How to Wash Pashmina Shawls and Scarves?

How to Wash Pashmina Shawls and Scarves?

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Pashmina, derived from the soft undercoat of cashmere goats native to the Himalayas, is extremely delicate. If not cared for properly, your pashmina shawl or scarf can suffer a range of issues.

Neglected pashmina, especially those that are soiled and left unwashed, can lead to moth infestations, leaving it riddled with holes and essentially unwearable.

Similarly, the beautiful threads that compose your pashmina shawl or scarf could become weak and eventually tear if not washed correctly. Improper washing techniques or harsh detergents can also lead to a loss of the rich colors and the soft texture that pashmina is famed for.

Preserving the beauty of your pashmina requires more than just regular wear. It requires proper care and storage. In this article, we'll guide you on how to wash your pashmina shawls and scarves. 

How to Wash Pashmina Shawl and Scarf

1. Prepare your washing station

Fill a clean basin or sink with cool or warm water.

The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius to prevent the fabric from shrinking or getting damaged.

Add a small amount of mild soap or baby shampoo, which is gentle on the delicate pashmina wool. Natural shampoo or a mild detergent specifically designed for wool can also be used.

2. Soak your pashmina

Submerge your pashmina shawl or scarf in the water. Ensure the entire piece is soaked and leave it in for about 10-15 minutes.

This process helps loosen any dirt or oils without the need for harsh washing.

3. Gently wash the pashmina

After soaking, wash the pashmina gently with your hands. Avoid wringing or scrubbing as this can damage the delicate yarn.

Instead, simply swish the shawl or scarf in the water, allowing the soap to permeate the fabric.

4. Rinse thoroughly

Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with fresh, cold water. Rinse your pashmina until all the soap is removed. Repeat this process a few times to ensure no soap residue remains.

5. Remove excess water

Place your washed pashmina on a clean, dry towel. Roll the towel with the pashmina inside it to allow the towel to absorb the excess water.

Avoid wringing the pashmina directly as it can cause the fabric to stretch or tear.

6. Air dry your pashmina

The final step in washing your pashmina is to air dry it. Simply lay the washed shawl or scarf flat on a dry towel away from direct heat or sunlight.

Turn it occasionally to ensure even drying.

If you have a washing machine, with a delicate or wool cycle, you might be able to wash your pashmina in it. Make sure to read the instructions that came with your apparel.

If it's machine washable, place your pashmina in a ziplock plastic bag for added protection. Avoid tumble dry settings as high temperatures can cause damage.

If your pashmina is heavily soiled or stained, it may be more suitable to take it to a dry cleaner. Make sure your dry cleaner is familiar with handling this kind of fabric. 

Can you iron pashmina shawls and scarves?

While ironing can help maintain the smooth appearance of your pashmina scarf or shawl, it's not always necessary.

Pashmina's natural properties allow it to resist wrinkles to some extent, and often simply hanging or laying it flat for a period of time can help remove any creases.

Ironing your pashmina is possible but it must be done with extreme care to avoid damaging the delicate fabric.

Always remember to use the lowest setting on your iron, usually labelled as 'wool' or 'delicate.'

Place a clean, damp cloth or a piece of thin cotton fabric between the iron and the pashmina to prevent direct contact which could potentially burn or damage the fibers.

Ensure your pashmina is slightly damp when ironing. The moisture helps to remove wrinkles without harming the fabric. Never iron a completely dry pashmina scarf as this can cause the delicate fibers to become brittle and potentially break.

Avoid ironing over any embroidered areas or embellishments as the heat can damage them. Instead, iron around these areas.

Lastly, remember to never leave the iron in one place for too long. Always keep it moving across the pashmina.

How often should you wash pashmina shawls and scarves? 

As a rule of thumb, you should wash your pashmina about once per season if you wear them regularly. If you only wear your pashmina occasionally, washing it once or twice a year should suffice.

It's important to remember that pashmina is susceptible to damage from over-washing. Each wash, even if done carefully and correctly, can cause some stress to the delicate fibers. So, it's best to only wash your pashmina when it truly needs it.

If your pashmina gets a small stain, get it spot cleaned instead of a full wash. You can gently clean the affected area with a mix of warm water and a small amount of gentle detergent like baby shampoo.

After each use, instead of washing, simply allow your pashmina to air out for a day or two. This can help to remove any body odors or perfume scents.

Storing your pashmina properly when it's not in use can also help to keep it fresh and clean, reducing the need for frequent washing.